Monday, July 17, 2006

A funny meeting

Carmen's baby quilts

Yanina and her Pitagora's quilt

Camila with her beautiful project

As usual we have had a very funny quilt afternoon.
Everybody was surprised with Yanina's quilt, who is part of the group since last week and already have her first proyect almost finish!
Carmen presented her baby 'quilts, one pink and the other blue, that for sure will make the babys very happy.
Gisele and Claudia have brought their new mini mooppys all with different eyes and mouths, they look very happy.
We had been talking a lot about secrets for sewing machine that by the iniciates, like me, will be very useful.
I had coocked some fruit pies (kuchen) to give a sweet flavor to the afternoon, that, I think we has turned "motor mouth" and we talked about every think...., well, definitely we had a superb afternoon (lo pasamos SUPER!).


Anonymous said...

WOW, your english looks so nice!
I'm so proud of you.

Gisele Schoene said...

You are right: lo passamos super!! Now, we need the recipe of the delicious cake!!

Carmen said...

Yes! It was fun and I am looking forward to next Sunday!! and like Gisele said we need the kuchen recipes!

Claudia said...

El tiempo se paso volando esa tarde...pero estuvo buenisima la juntada!!!

Like Paz, I'm also impressed of your english Pilar!!! (te las mandaste!!!)