Sunday, June 28, 2009

Good old friends!

Today we had a brief meeting at Minerva's. It looked like most of us had other things to do. We had though, the pleasent visit of our friend Clara, who used to live here and used to come frequently to our meetings. She is so talented and such a nice person that we were all happy to see her and impressed with her creations, as always.


As for the rest of us, we were catching up with crochet, dress making, crosstitch and me...well I guess I'm just the webmaster and the one who yells at Luca while he runs wild in the room with his friend Akiko.
And this is something from a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't had a chance to post about it and I will do it now. Juanita, from Ecuador likes doing crosstich. At first she started with a towel, with a pretty decoration of cherries and she finished it so quickly that now she is into another intricate project. This is how her first project came out. Nice uh??

Sunday, June 21, 2009

One memorable day

Today I went to our quilting meeting with no much enthusiam. I knew most people woudn't be there because of father's day and it just makes it hard for me to come and entertain my son while there are no other kids his age for him to play with. But to my surprise, so many of my friends came and also a new member, which made it even more interesting! I am happy I ended up going, it cheered up my day. Luca was a good boy and he had fun just as usual by himself.

He is the one who took this picture of us, before he dropped my camera and almost broke it (I think is back to life now!).

Gladys, Carmen, Juanita

Proof that he had fun, look at his dirty feet!

Dirty feet

And everyone else did too!

Bridgett working on a dress:

Bridgett making a dress!

Teri working on her quilt top:

Teri working on her ancient quilt

Her beautiful quilt top made of clothes by the great grandmother of her friend, and ancient piece of work!
Teri's quilt

Gladys teaching our new friend Zahra how to crochet flowers. She is a fast learner!

Learnign crochet

The proof here:

First time learning!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Farewell to friends


Once again, we have to say goodbye to some wonderful friends that have been recently joining our group. Three women and a little girl that have filled us all with joy and shared so much with us that we will miss them and hope to see them again (very soon Lisseth) in the future.
We had a little party for them that turned out to be bigger than we expected, lots of kids, another party of nice friends outside and wonderful treats to share. But the best of all, great friends and an emotional farewell. Thanks Claudia, Maria Emilia, Carmen and Lisseth for being the way you are and see you soon!!


